I just had to get on today and share this mornings experience. I went into Medicine Man's stall and wanted to bring him out and about without the lead. I gave him a couple of
minutes to hook on and lo' and behold out we went, no contact, no lead. Around the round pen and into the pasture with just his desire to stay by me. Man, was I proud. When I would stand around a few
minutes he might eat grass or loose attention but all I had to do to regain the attachment was move back along his side, step to his rear and again we were 1.
Chapin came over with a hand full of
cherries so we offered him one. No way, nothing he'd ever tasted or wanted. I
actually put one in his mouth and he chewed and spit it out. Not a taste for today. I also wanted to try out bridling. We went back to the on again, off again with the halter 10-15 times along the way really giving his face a rub each time. Then the bridle, right arm
through the ears lifting as I offered the bit. He never bolted but he just didn't want anything in his mouth. So, lets slow down, put things in smaller steps. First, the bridle up across the ears with the bit below his chin. No problem, next a finger in the side of his mouth, He really had a tight lip for this but did give in with a little coxing. After maybe 5
minutes of this he finally did open up and accept the bit. I use a copper snaffle for the
saliva effect.. I think it causes them to relax a bit. I repeated this several times and just let him stand by me as he adjusted to the new dental fixtures. I pulled up a chair and sat in front of him to build on our connection. Below, the pictures should tell the story of our results. (Disreguard my inapproiate dress; it's kinda hot here) Right now, I'm on the
Internet looking for some
growing pills for horses. If this young man was 16 hands I can assure you he would not leave the Bar T. I do have 1 question to ask the readers. I've had my view point on aging via teeth. His 7 year tooth is about 3/8 on an inch long. The
BLM had him aged at 4. Please respond if you have any input on this. I'm kinda thinking he's 6 or 7.
Medicine Man following me around...
Medicine Man donning a bridle for the first time
He's starting to take to me...
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